Here you can find information on the future planning of SpectralAnalysis. This includes more long term projects. Smaller planned features can be found here.
SpectralAnalysis was developed with flexibiltiy in mind, and this has led to many features being included, but it is not always obvious which is most approriate for use with a certain type of data. Default processing workflows will be designed and implemented for common styles of data. These will however remain completely editable.
Optionally hide the parts of the software that are currently in development. This would provide a restricted view of only the key tools to make the selection of the correct tool easier. It should be possible to toggle this option as part of the interface.
Integration with additional software tools and programming languages by freely importing and exporting data in common formats.
Re-calibration of spectra is important for the accurate assignment of peaks. This should be possible on a single spectrum basis and applicable to a whole dataset. Alignment between datasets is also important for larger studies, where instrument drift may affect the position of peaks.
Keep track of user options (default colour map, experimental/normal view, etc.). This should be updated as the user changes options in the interface and retained for use when the user starts a new session.