This script was originally written by Adam Taylor, Teresa Murta and Alex Dexter and can be used to automatically generate a mean spectrum, detect peaks, reduce the data to the peaks with signal-to-noise greater than 3, perform k-means clustering (k = 2) on the reduced data, generate mean spectra for each cluster and then save out all variables.
This script demonstrates how SpectralAnalysis can be used without the interface to perform more complex and automatable analysis routines.
spectralAnalysisPath = 'C:\path\to\SpectralAnalysis';
inputFolder = [spectralAnalysisPath filesep 'example-data' filesep 'mouse-brain']; %location of imzML files to process
outputFolder = [spectralAnalysisPath filesep 'example-data' filesep 'mouse-brain'];
filesToProcess = dir([inputFolder filesep '*.imzML']); %gets all imzML files in folder
% Set up datacube generation variables
% Preprocessing file (.sap) location
preprocessingWorkflowFile = [spectralAnalysisPath filesep 'example-data' filesep 'mouse-brain' filesep ''];
nzm_multiple = 3; % multiple of non zero median
% Add SpectralAnalysis to the path - this only needs to be done once per MATLAB session
disp('Setting up ');
% Generate preprocessing workflow
preprocessing = PreprocessingWorkflow();
peakPicking = GradientPeakDetection();
medianPeakFilter = PeakThresholdFilterMedian(1, nzm_multiple);
for i = 1:length(filesToProcess)
disp(['Processing ' filesToProcess(i).name]);
input_file = [filesToProcess(i).folder filesep filesToProcess(i).name];
% Get the filename from the path
[~, filename, ~] = fileparts(input_file);
%% make datacubes from each dataset
% obtain total spectrum
disp(['Generating Total Spectrum for ' ,input_file]);
parser = ImzMLParser(input_file);
data = DataOnDisk(parser);
spectrumGeneration = TotalSpectrum();
totalSpectrum = spectrumGeneration.process(data);
totalSpectrum = totalSpectrum.get(1);
%% Peak picking
disp('Peak picking ');
peaks = peakPicking.process(totalSpectrum);
spectralChannels_all = totalSpectrum.spectralChannels;
spectralChannels = [peaks.centroid];
%% Make datacube
disp(['! Generating data cube with ' num2str(length(peaks)) ' peaks...'])
% If peakTolerance < 0 then the detected peak width is used
peakTolerance = -1;
reduction = DatacubeReduction(peakTolerance);
% Inform the user whether we are using fast methods for processing (i.e. Java methods)
addlistener(reduction, 'FastMethods', @(src, canUseFastMethods)disp(['! Using fast Methods? ' num2str(canUseFastMethods.bool)]));
dataRepresentationList = reduction.process(data);
% We only requested one data representation, the entire dataset so extract that from the list
dataRepresentation = dataRepresentationList.get(1);
% Convert class to struct so that if SpectralAnalysis changes the DataRepresentation class, the data can still be loaded in
dataRepresentation_struct = dataRepresentation.saveobj();
datacube =;
pixels = dataRepresentation.pixels;
%% K means clustering
disp('Performing k-means clustering on top 1000 peaks with k = 2 and cosine distance')
[~, top1000idx] = maxk([peaks.intensity], 1000);
datacube_small = datacube(:,top1000idx);
[kmeans_idx, kmeans_c, ~, ~ ] = kmeans(datacube_small, 2, 'distance', 'cosine');
%% Make mean spectrum
disp('Saving cluster mean spectra')
datacube_clust1 = datacube(kmeans_idx == 1,:);
datacube_clust2 = datacube(kmeans_idx == 2,:);
mean_intensity_clust1 = mean(datacube_clust1);
mean_intensity_clust2 = mean(datacube_clust2);
mean_intensity_all = mean(datacube);
%% Save all
disp('Saving files')
save([outputFolder filesep filename '.mat'], '-struct', 'dataRepresentation_struct', '-v7.3')
save([outputFolder filesep filename '.mat'], ...
'peaks', 'spectralChannels_all', 'spectralChannels', 'kmeans_idx', 'kmeans_c', ...
'top1000idx', 'mean_intensity_clust1', 'mean_intensity_clust2', 'mean_intensity_all',...
disp([input_file ' complete']);